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VO2max for women: A key to running performance and marathon times

VO2max is a crucial indicator of cardiovascular fitness and plays a central role in determining endurance performance, especially in sports such as marathon running. In this blog post, we look at what a good VO2max value is for women and what marathon times are possible with certain VO2max values.

What is VO2max?

VO2max represents the maximum volume of oxygen your body can take in and use during intense physical activity. It is a measure of the efficiency of your cardiovascular system and muscles in taking in and using oxygen. A higher VO2max means you are able to exercise for longer and at a higher intensity, which is especially important for endurance sports such as marathon running.

What is a good VO2max for women?

A good VO2max value varies depending on age and fitness level. Here is an overview of the average, good and excellent VO2max values for women in different age groups:

vo2max women

This chart will give you an idea of how your VO2max compares to others in your age group.

What marathon times are possible with certain VO2max values?

Your VO2 max can give you a rough idea of what marathon times you could achieve. There is a general correlation between VO2 max and the ability to run certain marathon times. Here are some examples:

vo2max women marathon

Of course, these times are only estimates and can vary depending on training, nutrition, recovery and race conditions. However, they provide a good indication of what you can expect to perform based on your VO2max.

How can you improve your VO2max?

To increase your VO2max, you should focus on specific endurance training. Here are some proven methods:

  • Interval training : High-intensity intervals followed by recovery phases challenge your cardiovascular system and help increase VO2max.
  • Long-distance training : Regular long runs improve your body's efficiency in using oxygen.
  • Strength training : By building muscle mass and improving muscle strength, you can optimize oxygen uptake and utilization.


A high VO2max is an essential component of your endurance performance and can help you reach your marathon goals. By understanding your VO2max and training accordingly, you can significantly improve your running performance and achieve your personal best times. Use the tables above to classify your VO2max and set your training goals.

FAQ about VO2max: Everything you need to know

What is VO2max and why is it important for runners?

VO2max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can take in and use during intense physical activity. It is a crucial indicator of your cardiovascular fitness and significantly influences your endurance performance, especially in long-distance running such as marathons.

What is considered a good VO2max value for women?

A good VO2max value for women also varies by age. In general, a good VO2max value for women is between 41-49 ml/kg/min, depending on the age group. Values above this are considered excellent.

How does my VO2max affect my marathon time?

Your VO2 max gives a rough estimate of what marathon times you could achieve. A higher VO2 max allows you to run faster and last longer. For example, men with a VO2 max of 60+ ml/kg/min can potentially achieve sub-3 hour marathon times.

Can I improve my VO2max?

Yes, you can improve your VO2max through targeted training. Effective methods include interval training, long-distance training and specific strength training. Improved nutrition and a healthy lifestyle also help to increase your VO2max.

Can my VO2max value stagnate?

Yes, it is possible for your VO2max to plateau after a period of time, especially if you focus on the same type of training. To continue making progress, it is important to vary your training and incorporate new challenges, such as more intense interval runs or longer distances.

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