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What is VO2max and why is it important for your fitness?

VO2max is a key measure of your cardiovascular fitness. It describes the maximum amount of oxygen your body can take in and use during intense physical activity. A higher VO2max value indicates that your body can transport oxygen to the muscles more efficiently, helping you to exercise longer and more intensely. This value is not only a measure of your current fitness, but also an indicator of your endurance performance and general health.

How does VO2max affect your endurance training?

A high VO2max value allows you to train at higher intensities for longer periods of time without tiring prematurely. This is particularly beneficial for endurance sports such as marathon running, triathlons or long-distance cycling. Through specific training, such as interval training, you can specifically improve your VO2max and thus increase your endurance and performance.

What are the health benefits of a high VO2max?

A high VO2max has numerous health benefits. It is associated with improved cardiovascular health and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, a high VO2max boosts metabolism, leading to more efficient fat burning and better weight control. A high VO2max can also help reduce the risk of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

What influence does age and gender have on VO2max?

VO2max varies by age and gender. Men tend to have higher VO2max than women due to greater muscle mass and higher hemoglobin concentration, which are important for oxygen transport. As we age, VO2max naturally declines due to loss of muscle mass, a decrease in maximum heart rate, and lower efficiency of oxygen uptake.

VO2max table for men

vo2max table for men

VO2max table for women

vo2max table for women

What are effective training methods to increase VO2max?

Interval training and long-term endurance training are particularly effective for increasing your VO2max value. With interval training, you alternate between intense exercise phases and recovery phases, which challenges your cardiovascular system and increases your body's oxygen capacity. Long-term endurance training, such as long runs or bike rides, improves the efficiency of oxygen use in the body. A balanced diet and sufficient sleep can also help to positively influence your VO2max.

What is the anaerobic threshold and how does it relate to VO2max?

The anaerobic threshold is the point at which your body begins to gain more energy through anaerobic metabolic processes because the oxygen supply is no longer sufficient to meet energy demands. This point is closely related to VO2max. A higher VO2max allows your body to work aerobically for longer before entering the anaerobic range. Training both VO2max and anaerobic threshold leads to significantly improved endurance performance.

Why is VO2max especially important for marathon runners and long-distance runners?

For marathon runners and long-distance runners, VO2max is a critical success factor. A high VO2max allows you to run at a faster pace over long distances without tiring early. In addition, a high VO2max helps reduce recovery time after intense training sessions or races, allowing you to complete more training sessions and maximize your performance.


VO2max is a crucial value for your fitness and health, especially for endurance athletes. With targeted training, you can increase your VO2max value and not only improve your athletic performance, but also benefit from numerous health advantages. Use the tables above to classify your VO2max value in comparison to your age and gender and set realistic goals for your training.

FAQ about VO2max: Everything you need to know

What is VO2max and why is it important?

VO2max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can take in and use during intense physical activity. It is an important indicator of your cardiovascular fitness and shows how efficiently your body can transport oxygen to the muscles. A high VO2max value is crucial for better endurance performance and overall health.

How can I improve my VO2max?

Interval training and long-term endurance training are particularly effective for increasing your VO2max value. Interval training, in which intense exercise phases alternate with recovery phases, challenges your cardiovascular system and increases your body's oxygen capacity. A healthy diet, sufficient sleep and targeted lifestyle changes can also help improve your VO2max.

How does age affect my VO2max?

As we age, VO2max naturally declines due to loss of muscle mass, a decrease in maximum heart rate, and lower efficiency of oxygen uptake. However, regular exercise can slow the decline in VO2max and maintain fitness as we age.

Why is VO2max especially important for endurance athletes such as marathon runners?

For endurance athletes, especially marathon runners, a high VO2 max is crucial. It allows you to run at a faster pace over long distances without tiring early. A high VO2 max also improves recovery after intense training sessions and competitions, allowing you to train more often and improve your performance.

Are there differences in VO2max between men and women?

Yes, men tend to have higher VO2max values than women due to greater muscle mass and higher hemoglobin concentration, which are important for oxygen transport. Check out our tables for specific VO2max values for different age groups and genders.

What is the difference between VO2max and anaerobic threshold?

VO2max is the maximum oxygen uptake, while the anaerobic threshold is the point at which your body begins to gain more energy through anaerobic processes because the oxygen supply is no longer sufficient. Both values are important indicators of your endurance performance and are closely related.

How do I measure my VO2max?

You can measure your VO2max with special fitness tests, often conducted in labs. Some fitness devices and wearables also offer VO2max estimates based on your heart rate and training level.

How do I interpret my VO2max value compared to my age?

In our blog post you will find tables that show how your VO2max value compares to others of your age and gender. These tables will help you understand your current fitness level and set realistic training goals.

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