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The most important supplements for endurance athletes: Your key to optimal performance

As an endurance athlete, you know that the right diet and training are crucial to getting the best out of you. But in addition to a balanced diet, certain supplements can significantly improve your performance, endurance and recovery. In this blog post, you will learn which supplements are particularly important for endurance athletes and how they can help you achieve your goals.

Magnesium: The mineral for muscle function and regeneration

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a central role in muscle function and recovery. Magnesium is particularly important for endurance athletes as it supports muscle contraction and prevents muscle cramps. A magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle cramps, fatigue and reduced performance - all factors that can affect your endurance performance.

Benefits of magnesium for endurance athletes:

  • Prevention of muscle cramps: Magnesium helps prevent muscle tension and cramps that can occur during long workouts.
  • Supports recovery: Magnesium promotes muscle recovery after exercise by reducing the inflammatory response and supporting muscle relaxation.
  • Improve endurance: By supporting energy metabolism, magnesium helps maintain endurance during intense training sessions.

Recommended dosage: 300-400 mg of magnesium per day, preferably after training or before bedtime to promote recovery.

Beta-Alanine: Increases anaerobic capacity and endurance

Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that plays an important role in increasing carnosine concentration in muscles. Carnosine acts as a buffer against the accumulation of lactic acid that occurs during intense physical exercise. For endurance athletes, beta-alanine can therefore improve anaerobic capacity and increase endurance.

Benefits of beta-alanine for endurance athletes:

  • Increased lactate buffering: Beta-alanine helps delay the buildup of lactic acid, allowing you to train longer and more intensely without premature fatigue.
  • Improved endurance: By increasing the concentration of carnosine in your muscles, you can increase your endurance performance and train at a higher intensity level for longer periods of time.
  • Faster recovery: Beta-alanine can also shorten recovery time after intense workouts by reducing muscle fatigue.

Recommended dosage: 3-5 g of beta-alanine per day, ideally divided into smaller doses to minimize the tingling sensation that can sometimes occur.

Electrolytes and sodium: the key to hydration and performance

Electrolytes such as sodium (salt) are crucial for maintaining fluid balance and optimal muscle and nerve function. During intense exercise sessions, you lose a significant amount of electrolytes, especially sodium, through sweating. A lack of electrolytes can lead to dehydration, muscle cramps, and a decrease in performance.

Benefits of electrolytes and sodium for endurance athletes:

  • Maintaining fluid balance: Sodium helps maintain fluid balance by binding water in the body and supporting hydration.
  • Preventing hyponatremia: Adequate sodium intake during exercise prevents hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood), which can occur due to excessive sweating.
  • Improve endurance performance: Electrolytes help your muscles work efficiently and keep you performing better for longer.

Recommended dosage: 300-600 mg of sodium per hour during intense exercise, depending on sweat rate and weather conditions. Electrolyte drinks or salt tablets are a convenient way to meet this need.

Protein shakes: promote muscle recovery after training

After an intense workout, muscle recovery is crucial for your performance and progress. Protein shakes are an excellent way to quickly supply your body with the necessary amino acids needed for muscle building and recovery. Especially after long or intense workouts, protein shakes can help repair muscle damage and maintain muscle mass.

Benefits of protein shakes for endurance athletes:

  • Accelerated recovery: Protein shakes provide the necessary building blocks for the repair of muscle tissue, which shortens the recovery time after training.
  • Maintaining and building muscle mass: Regularly consuming protein after training helps prevent muscle loss and increase muscle mass, which improves performance.
  • Improved energy availability: Protein shakes can help replenish glycogen stores faster, which is especially important if you train frequently or plan to compete in multiple races in a row.

Recommended dosage: 20-30 g of protein within 30 minutes after training for best results for recovery and muscle building.

Other important supplements for endurance athletes

In addition to magnesium, beta-alanine, electrolytes and protein shakes, there are other supplements that can be useful for endurance athletes:

  • Caffeine: Promotes mental alertness and can reduce the perception of exertion, leading to better performance.
  • BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acids): Support muscle regeneration and reduce muscle breakdown during long training sessions.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Have an anti-inflammatory effect and support cardiovascular health, which is particularly important for endurance athletes.


The right supplements can make a significant difference in your preparation and performance as an endurance athlete. Magnesium, beta-alanine, electrolytes such as sodium and protein shakes are particularly important for preventing muscle cramps, increasing endurance, ensuring hydration and promoting muscle recovery. Supplement your diet with these supplements and ensure a balanced intake in order to reach your full potential as an endurance athlete.

FAQ on supplements: Everything you need to know

Why are supplements important for endurance athletes?

Supplements can help endurance athletes maximize their performance, promote recovery, and address specific nutrient deficiencies that can arise from intense training. They help prevent muscle cramps, increase endurance, and support overall health.

How does magnesium help with endurance performance?

Magnesium plays a crucial role in muscle function and recovery. It supports muscle contraction and helps prevent muscle cramps. In addition, magnesium contributes to energy production, which is especially important for long training sessions.

What are the benefits of beta-alanine for endurance athletes?

Beta-alanine increases carnosine concentration in the muscles, which improves lactate buffering. This delays the buildup of lactic acid, allowing you to train longer and more intensely. This leads to improved endurance performance and faster recovery after training.

Why are electrolytes and sodium important for endurance athletes?

Electrolytes, especially sodium, are crucial for maintaining fluid balance and muscle and nerve function. During exercise, you lose electrolytes through sweating, which must be replaced to avoid dehydration and muscle cramps and to maintain performance.

When should I take protein shakes?

Protein shakes are especially useful after intense workouts. They quickly provide the necessary amino acids to repair muscle tissue and promote recovery. It is recommended to consume protein shakes within 30 minutes after training for best results.

What other supplements can be useful for endurance athletes?

In addition to magnesium, beta-alanine, electrolytes and protein shakes, caffeine, BCAAs (branched chain amino acids) and omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial for endurance athletes. Caffeine improves mental alertness, BCAAs support muscle recovery and omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects and promote cardiovascular health.

How do I find out which supplements I need?

Choosing the right supplements depends on your individual training program, eating habits, and specific needs. It may be helpful to speak with a nutritionist or sports medicine doctor to determine which supplements make the most sense for you.

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