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The right start

Jogging can be a wonderful way to get and stay fit. However, as a beginner, there are some important things to keep in mind to avoid injury and keep running fun. Here are some basic tips to help you get started.

Set realistic goals

Set realistic and achievable goals. Start with short distances and increase the distance slowly. In the beginning, 2-3 runs per week of 20-30 minutes each are ideal.

Start slowly

Start slowly to get your body used to the new strain. A good pace is one at which you can still carry on a conversation. Don't overdo it, but increase the intensity gradually.

Applying the MAF method

The **MAF (Maximum Aerobic Function)** method by Dr. Phil Maffetone helps you train effectively and healthily. Calculate your optimal heart rate using the formula "180 minus your age." This is the heart rate you should aim for during your runs to stay in the aerobic zone, burn fat and improve your endurance.

The right equipment

Invest in a good pair of running shoes and breathable clothing. Proper footwear will greatly reduce the risk of injury and keep you comfortable. A heart rate monitor and pulse watch are important to monitor your heart rate and ensure you are training in the right zone.

Warming up and stretching

Don't forget to warm up before running and stretch after. Warming up prepares your muscles for the effort and stretching helps prevent muscle soreness.

Regularity is the key

Regular training is more important than occasional long runs. Stick to your training plan and stick with it, even if it's difficult at times.

Nutrition and hydration

Make sure you eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water, especially before and after running. A light meal one to two hours before the run will give you the energy you need.

Don’t forget to relax

Give your body enough time to recover. Plan rest days and listen to your body to avoid overexertion.

Technique and attitude

Make sure you have good running technique and posture. Run upright, with relaxed shoulders and a smooth, even stride. Avoid striking the ground on your heels and try to land on your midfoot.

Motivation and fun

Find ways to motivate yourself. Run with friends, listen to music or discover new routes. The fun of running should always be the main focus.

Document progress

Keep track of your progress in a training diary. Write down your runs, times and how you felt. This will help you track your progress and motivate you to keep going.

Mastering the first 5 kilometers

Focus on reaching a distance of 5 kilometers first, without paying attention to the time. Run at a comfortable pace and gradually increase the distance.

First 10 kilometers

Once you've been running 5 kilometers regularly, you can start increasing the distance. Increase the length of your runs by about 10% each week until you reach 10 kilometers.

Avoid common beginner mistakes when jogging

Too fast a pace: Don't overexert yourself, but run at a steady, slow pace.
Irregular training: Stick to a fixed training plan.
Incorrect posture: Walk upright and pay attention to good technique.
Neglecting strength training: Supplement your running training with strength exercises to strengthen your muscles and prevent injuries.

Jogging is a great way to improve your fitness and have fun while doing it. With these tips, you can start running safely and effectively. Start slowly, stick with it regularly, and enjoy the progress you make. Happy running!

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